Gross Domestic Product – GDP

The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is a leading indicator of the potential of a country's economy. He reveals the value (sum) of all wealth (goods, products and services) produced by a country in a given period, usually one year. Its final value is influenced by different variables such as consumption of the population, wages, interest, investment companies, construction, imports and exports, among other elements.

Seat one of the farms located in the region of PanambiIn Brazil, the GDP calculations are made and released by the IBGE, which allows the knowledge of their reality and the exercise of citizenship. In the following analysis, it was verified in isolation, the local GDP and its weight on the micro-region, regions, and federal unit accustomed to each municipality that comprises the target area.

The GDP-M and approaches presented in the table above clearly shows how the economy of the region studied is emerging locally and regionally, with few municipalities featuring a more robust economy. Even a closer analysis, micro-regional, it is clear the low participation of local economies in the results for all the municipalities analyzed. Highlight positive for the cities of Formosa do Rio Preto (BA), Corrente (PI) and Mateiros (TO), where the per capita GDP figures are more positive in the statistical approaches.

In a more distanced, Mesoregional, almost all the previously observed positive exhausted, leaving only the important city of Formosa do Rio Preto in Bahia, which makes up almost 7% of GDP from its macro-region, comprising 24 municipalities. Assuming that the status of each municipality, none municipality has weight no greater than 1%, which was already expected to be given the location of the region away from all state capitals and vectors encourage economic growth, such as roads, railways, ports or industries. The municipalities most deficient, when checked the number of municipalities in each Micro and mesoregion, are Barreiras do Piauí (PI), Rio de Conceição, Santa Tereza do Tocantins, São Félix do Tocantins (TO).

PIB jalapao