

Social programs for training and development of manpowerThe data are derived from the income from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) for the year 2009. The table queried refers to information of persons 10 years or older, and value of the average monthly income, by gender, class status and monthly income. The most detailed coverage of PNAD is the unit of the federation, so the data portray reality state.

In order to better understand the reality of states, the data were aggregated into other lanes of receipt based on minimum wage (MW). Thus, the 10 tracks of original PNAD classes (up to ½ MS, ½ to over 1 MW, more than 1 to 2 MW, more than 2 to 3 MW, more than 3 to 5 MW, more than 5 to 10 MW, more 10 to 20 MW, more than 20 MW, no income (income and no statement) were included in five aggregate classes, as follows: ½ to 1 MW, more than 1 to 3 MW, more than 3 MW, no income and without declaration. As the data without a declaration proved insignificant in the national and state level, they have been ignored in the analysis.

Population representative of the Brazilian labor force, 25,19% receive up to 1 MW, 29,59% of income is greater than 1 and up to 3 MW, 3 MW of 12,67% and 31,09% of the national EAP does not receive any salary. On average the states, except in the category with no income, there are considerable differences regarding the percentage of Brazil. It is noteworthy that in Tocantins, more than 60% of the PEA receive up to 3 MW, more than the national average of 54,78%.