(Foto: ICMBio)


(Foto: ICMBio)

Região do Jalapão

(Arte: ICMBio)

Cooperação Técnica

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The Corridor

Ecological Corridor is an instrument of management and planning, legally defined by the National Nature Conservation Units - SNUC (Law 9985 of July 18, 2000) in order to ensure the integrity of ecological processes in the areas of connection between conservation units (CUs), thus allowing the free gene flow and dispersal of species between these protected natural areas. The Green Corridor is a key strategy to prevent ecological damage provided by the isolation of protected natural areas through the urban area and rural and ensure the effectiveness of protected areas in conserving natural resources and biodiversity in the long term.

The Green Corridor Project of the Jalapao Region is an initiative of ICMBio in technical cooperation with JICA and with the support of the Department of Environment and Sustainable Development of the State of Tocantins - SEMAD, Department of Planning and Public Management Modernization of the State of Tocantins - SEPLAN, Nature Institute of Tocantins - NATURATINS, Department of the Environment - SEMA/Bahia and Institute for the Environment and Water Resources - INEMA, among other important partners. The main objective of the project is to strengthen the conservation of ecosystems in the region by strengthening the integration between the existing federal and state conservation communities along the Jalapao, allowing the development of participatory planning to define strategies and actions necessary to maintain or restore ecological connectivity between protected areas in the region of Jalapao.


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